Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Please Think about this! Read it more than once!

When the government of the United States of America decided that it would be a good idea to get the native Americans (Indians) to give up their land and hunting areas they tried all sorts of bribes and threats. In desperation, they even offered to buy the land from them.

They received the following response from one tribal leader named Chief Seattle:-

How can you buy or sell the sky?
We do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle on the water.
How then can you buy them from us?
Every part of the Earth is sacred to my people, holy in their memory and experience.
We know the white man does not understand our ways.
He's a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs.
The Earth is not his friend but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on.
He kidnaps the Earth from his children.
His appetite will devour the Earth and leave behind a desert.
If the beasts were gone we would die from a great loneliness of the spirit, for whatever befalls the Earth, befalls the children of the Earth.
Chief Seattle uttered those words of great wisdom in the year 1854 ... compare them with what is happening in the world today.
Will we never learn?

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